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rainbow (world)....

look....  eye have told you time and time again....

eye will give the rainbows a world of their own....  just not this world....

they can keep the world world of the not so gentle race....  where the dykes who run the world CONTROL everyone....  not just that world....  but....  another world....  where you can TRY to get it right....  however....  you will NOT be able to force anyone to stay in your rainbow worlds....

and....  eye WILL protect you.... eye will protect the rainbow worlds....

the fucking idiots who refuse to pay for national defense....  like that bitch....  weedie....  who was involved in burning my legs....  she will be in another world....  a world WITHOUT global defense....  like she wants....  and....  eye will NOT protect her world....  and....  when the monsters take over her world....  she can live under a totalitarian regime....  be careful watch you wish for....  you BITCH weedie....  you just might get it....  and....  learn....  the hard way....  what happens when you live in a world....  without any global defense....

no....  eye will protect the rainbow world that you create....  and....  you can choose who to allow in your world....  however....  you CANNOT force people to stay....  and....  if your world becomes to small to operate....  eye will shut it down....  

eye THINK that if you have your rainbow world....  you will learn for yourselves....  that a rainbow world is NOT so rosy....

however....  that bitch who stole my parking spot....  and....  kicked sand in my face....  and....  was involved in burning my legs....  MUST....  feel the pain that she TRIED to inflict upon me....  not just the pain that she actually did inflict on me....  but....  the pain that she ATTEMPTED to inflict on me....  she must feel this pain....  in TRIPLICATE....  THAT IS THE WAY....  you hurt innocent people....  you MUST feel the pain you caused them....  in triplicate....

my compassion comes in how you pay....  you can feel the pain over an extended period of time....  eye will not cut your legs off with a machine gun....  as poseidon attempted to do to me....    you will feel a more tolerable pain....  for a longer period of time....  it is the ONLY way to cure people of their desire to hurt innocent people....  it is the ONLY way to FIX a black heart and soul....