the TRANS swimmer....
can someone bring the trans swimmer to me again.... eye chastized her for abusing the system....
and.... yet.... it just occured to me.... eye THINK that she really was a fuckup.... our fuckup.... she looks like a woman to me.... her soul looks female to me.... like a MOSTLY beautiful woman.... eye THINK that we did fuck up with her.... putting her in a male body.... IF.... she does not want to see me again.... please.... let her know eye am sorry....
AND.... will someone tell trump.... it DOES happen.... we are NOT perfect.... we CAN fuckup.... AND.... in her case.... eye THINK we did....
eye STILL do NOT think that biological men have ANY place in womens sports....
eye THINK eye have offered you a perfectly good solution.... rebirth.... AND.... eye THINK it is possible.... for someone to be reborn.... AND.... resume their current life.... in a situation where we fucked up.... eye think that we should NOT disrupt the persons life.... we should NOT force them to start over.... as a baby.... with a new family.... in a new life.... give her a womans body.... and.... let her continue to compete in womens sports.... without an advantage of being born male.... take away the advantage....
AND.... tell everyone.... SHE.... was right.... AND.... eye.... was wrong.... she was MOSTLY right.... we CANNOT let a biological man compete in womens sports....
hold on a second.... are you an immortal.... you brought a gun with you today.... only an immortal can do that.... you brought a gun.... AND.... you could read from my same page.... two things.... that eye believe.... only immortals can do.... so.... IF.... you are an immortal.... that is just ONE more advantage that you have over female humans.... IF.... you are immortal.... shame on you.... you should know better than that....