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parks and recreation (boulder)....

is this the parks and recreation department in boulder....  is our parks and recreation department run by a bunch of yahoos....  yahooos....  yahoooos....

if we all had land....  we would not need a parks and recreation department....  how many people really use the parks....  take velle lake for instance....  in a twenty minute walk around the lake....  eye must run into twenty people....  is it because....  all of the houses around velle lake....  have land....  have their OWN property....  to play on....  to grow a garden on....  to mow....  mowing is exercise....  

they get point two five cents of every dollar we spend in the city of boulder....  do they really listen to the people....  OR....  do they listen to special interests....  for instance....  the beautiful piece of green belt that eye like to walk on in summer months....  is going to be turned into a park....  they gave it a woke name....  a special interst name....  a hispanic name....  and....  when eye say the group giving advice on the park....  it was twenty people in wheel chairs....  another special interest group....  with....  WAY.... too much power....  way way way too much power....  does EVERY park have to be wheel chair accessible....  doe EVERY nature trail in boulder have to be wheel chair accessible....  how much money does it cost to DESTROY a beautiful natural path....  and....  put in a six foot concrete path....  and....  what the fuck do we need another park for....  we have one two blocks to the south....  one for blocks to the north....  and....  one next to the elks club....  that is FUCKING empty nearly every time eye go there....  what is up with that....

are they shutting down the south boulder rec center....  because.... they want to build another pocket park....  

and....  what the fuck....  they are trying to FORCE us to live in these fucking stupid ass fifteen minute cities....  they are making traffic SOOOOOO fucking bad....  it is going to take me an hour to drive to east boulder rec center....  AND....  they are talking about shutting down the south boulder rec center....  a perfectly good building....  and....  they say it costs too much to opperate....  really....  someone DONATED solar panels to the facility....  so you would not have to spend much money heating the property....  really....  does it REALLY cost too much....  OR....  is that your LAME excuse for shutting it down....  so you can put up another UNUSED pocket park....  AND....  forcing the ten thousand residents who live CLOSE to the south boulder rec center....  to drive all the fucking way across town....  to get to a rec center....  in heavy traffic....  which will soon go from a twenty minute drive to an hour drive....  they will be SO stressed out from the drive....  they will lose ALL of the benefits of their workout....  they will spend two hours driving back and forth....  to get a thirty minute sauna in....  fuck that....  what the fuck is wrong with you people....  is the left arm talking to the right arm....  do you really care about what is best for the broader community....  or....  what is best for the special interest that have WAY to much control over our government....

has anyone asked....  the local community....  what would make our rec center better.... 

a salt water pool....  how about a salt water pool....  which is WAY more healthy than a clorinated pool.... 

has anyone considered....  how uncomfortable a woman must feel....  when a baseball bat is in their locker room....  are they going to feel comfortable with their children using that locker room....  they do not even feel comfortable with a baseball bat in their locker room....  one woman told me she was VERY uncomfortable....  another one turned around and walked out....  when she saw a baseball bat in the sauna....  maybe....  just maybe.... women want a women only sauna....  god....  eye would certainly hate that....  not because eye enjoy looking at them in swim suits....  but....  eye enjoy it more when there is estrogen in the room....  female energy....  female conversation....  ya....  eye will admit it....  eye certainly enjoy it when a hotty wheres a bikini into the sauna....  and....  ya....  eye will admit....  eye take a peek....  but....  really....  eye am more of a face guy....  please please please....  do not ask for a separate suana....  ladies....  and....  eye will do my best to get the baseball bat out of your locker room....  eye will do my best to give the baseball bat its own locker room....  MAYBE....  the baseball bat would like that better too....  maybe the baseball bat feels uncomfortable to....

how about changing the hours....  what the fuck....  closing at two oclock on a saturday....  really....

how about a mini tramp in the ninja room....  did you know jumping on a trampoline is the best way to clear the lymph system....

how about....  more tred mills....  as soon as the club gets remotely full....  they are ALL occupied....

how about....  charging more for people who want to use the pool....  and....  less for people who do not....

how about....  a community room....  with windows....

how about....  a child care....

the building is FUCKING fine....  how about....  rather than a tear down....  replace the pool....  a SALTWATER pool....  a healthy pool....  and....  give it an addition....  there are not nearly enough types of machines....  you need MORE room....  

how about a bigger sauna....  it IS the best sauna in town....  consistently two hundred degrees....  people seem to like the bench outside....  eye like the DOUBLE window....  and....  the VENT which takes out much of the humidity....  how about a radio in the sauna....  how about essential oils in the sauna....  how about....  playing music at a low level in the facility....  

why is the sauna at north only one hundred and seventy eight degrees....  is it BECAUSE of the humidity....  is it because the humidity is thirty degrees....  is it BECAUSE it would be too hot at two hundred....  because of the humidity....

if so....  why not put up a sign....  that says....  PLEASE do not try to heat up the sauna....  PLEASE do not try to increase the humidity....  we set it at one hundred and seventy five degrees....  because of the humidity....  it WILL be too hot....  for MOST people....  if the temperature rises above one hundred and seventy five degrees....  the idea sauna length is at least twenty minutes....  to get the MOST benefits....  think of a cardio workout....  if you only workout for five minutes....  you are not going to get your heart rate up for long enough....  so we set it at the ideal temperature to allow MOST people to stay in the sauna for at least twenty minutes....  so....  PLEASE....  do NOT tamper with the equipment....  AND....  we would like it to be a dry sauna....  but....  it is difficult when it is attached to the pool....  when there is no vent....  when people come in dripping wet....  SO....  if anyone has any brilliant ideas....  about HOW we could reduce the humidity....  we are all ears.... :-)  

do you think....  that people would be more respectful....  IF....  you reasoned with them....  if you told them....  why....  you are doing what you are doing....  how....  it is beneficial for them....  here is what rhonda says....  here is what eye consider an expert says....

wow....  just watched the video....  she says....  one seventy five to one eighty is the sweet spot....  so....  you do NOT overheat your brain....  interesting....  maybe....  good for the cardio....  good for the muscles....  bad for the brain....  it sure seems like....  everything....  has its positives and negatives....  

gonna TRY to watch the longer rhonda video....  on christmas day....  cannot go anywhere....  seems like a good project for christmas day....

do you really need a park every two blocks....  do you really need to replace the south boulder rec center with another pocket park....  eye THOUGHT the idea was to encourage people to WALK more....  how about creating destinations....  a destination....  at the end of a park....  a reward....  for walking....  like....  a grocery store at the end of a park....  or....  a something....  a something....  to give people a reason to walk....  rather than walking for the sake of walking....  a reward for your efforts....  

now wait a minute.... the point two five cent sales tax was implemented in nineteen ninety five....  what the fuck....  was it part of the general fund before then....  did they convince tax payers to pay for this separately....  so they could use MORE of the general fund on their pet projects....  on their low income housing bullshit projects....  the more eye discover....  the more eye realize....  this is all complete and utter....  BULLSHIT....  

btw....  kudos on the bike path between boulder and longmont....  eye THINK....  because....  eye think it will get significant usage....  however....  you NEED more traffic lanes to....  however....  eye WISH you had found a way....  to put it on the west side of the highway....  or....  the east side of the highway....  so....  that the bickers are NOT surrounded by traffic.....  surrounded by traffic noise....  surrounded by pollution....  and....  build some kind of wind break slash sound break....  between the road and the bikepath....  and....  build one or two fast lanes....  for the commuters....  for the expert bikers....  and....  three or four lanes....  for....  non-commuters....  for....  families....  and....  maybe....  have a coffee shop or two along the way....  bikers LOVE coffee shops....  just spit balling here....  just asking....  WHY....  are you putting it right down the middle of the highway....  eye am torn....  about it being....  on the west....  which would give everyone beautiful views....  OR....  on the east....  which would give everyone access to ameneties along the way....  eye do not know....  what do you guys think....  or....  it could be like a roller coaster....  on the west....  go under the highway....  then....  on the east....  back and forth....  up and down....  again....  just spit balling here....  if you had balanced cities....  if you had extremely light rail...  kinda like a san francisco street car...  if you had....  a bullet train....  as well....  you could make the road from boulder to longmont....  two lanes....  you could shrink it....  

to be continued....