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time to PUMP the brakes....

dear trump....  my message to you....  is....  that it is TIME to pump the brakes....

you have stired things up....  you have kicked the hive....  and....  now....  they are swarming....

you have stired things up....  which IS good....  very good....  now....  you need to cool things down....

you NEED to learn.... to cool things down....  and....  even eye....  need to RELEARN how....  to cool things down....

you surprised EVERYONE the other day....  when you reversed course....  on the freeze....

do you REALLY want to surprise everyone....  you could tell them that you are SORRY about something....  say....  sorry about RUSHING to judgement....  say....  you saw that memo....  and....  it INFURIATED you....  when LIVES are at stake....  you ONLY put the MOST qualified person in a position....  safety matters....  are NOT a place to play games....  safety jobs....  is NOT an area for dei....  eye think dei does not belong anywhere....  but....  let us start there....

right now someone is coughing at me....  maybe they do not want me to work with you....  maybe they do not want me to help you....  but....  look....  right NOW you are the lesser of two evils....  so....  eye am willing to work with you....  eye am willing to train you....

eye COULD get you removed....  but....  eye do NOT like the chaos that would create in the world....  AND....  it would put a damper on your anti-immigration front....  which....  right now....  eye do not want to do....  eye WANT to put fear in the people who are coming here illegally....  eye want NO more people to come....  the more that come....  the more pain it will cause for everyone involved....  

so....  eye have to this bitch to shut up....  to stop coughing at me....  to stop trying to tell me what to do....  and....  she is ignoring me....

can someone tell me....  WHY....  the army and airforce and marines....  need to use the public airports....  WHY....  what type of training are they getting....  flying into busy airports....