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affirmative action....

affirmative action is a rediculous policy....  see....  eye told you that women are getting their way in this world at the detriment of men....

you do not make a policy to punish one group....  in this case boys....  in order to try to balance things and make things equal....  if eye understand the policy correctly....  you have to have the same amount of opportunities for girls....  as boys....  so if a school has a football team....  like my highschool did....  you cannot have a boys volleyball team....  which was the case at my highschool....  eye wanted to play volleyball....  to bad....  we do not get to have a team....  because there are not enough girls sports....

first of all....  eye am willing to bet you....  elder of a NOT so gentle race....  eye am willing to bet you....  that more boys want to play football than girls....  do you want to take that bet....  lets go to a local highschool and have a vote....  shall we....  and eye would even wager that more boys want to play basketball and baseball than girls....  if you really want to make things equal....  find out what percentage of boys and girls want to play basketball....  and then....  lets say one hundred boys want to play basketball....  eye wanted to play basketball....  by the way.....  and eye did not get to play....  eye was not good enough....  so back to my point....  let us say that one hundred boys want to play basketball....  and fifty girls want to play basketball....  the way you do this fairly is to make TWO boys basketball teams.... and one girls basketball team....  the same percentage of boys and girls do not get to play....

in an ideal world....  you would make enough teams so that everyone can play....  lets say one hundred boys want to play....  and sixty girls want to play....  and you have twenty players on a team.....  then why not have five boys basketball teams....  and three girls basketball teams....  you are giving everyone what they want....  yay....  now....  we have an obesity epidemic in this country....  would it not be nice....  to give all of our children an opportunity to work out in the way that they want to.... hey....  what a concept....

now....  not all of the teams will be able to represent the school....  so....  why not have the teams within a school play against each other....  and have them play for something....  something of value....  just spit balling here....  so do not criticize....  please....  how about having them play to decide what the school movie is going to be this week....  if you even have a school movie....  or how about.... the team that wins....  gets to choose....  what the school has for lunch on friday....  

eye know that eye am going against one of my other suggestions right now....  which is that you separate sports from schools....  

and hey....  if girls do not want to play football....  why not get creative....  and come up with a sport that girls like more than boys....  huh....

and why not consider lowering the nets....  in both sports....  raise them with age....  and make them lower for girls.... so that more girls can dunk....  making girls basketball just as exciting as boys....  not saying that it is not already....  because....  they cannot dunk....  they play the game differently....  which eye am sure a lot of people find more fun than watching boys basketball....  

eye would wager....  that even before affirmative action....  even before you robbed young boys of their hopes and dreams....  that more boys were missing out on opportunities....  to play sports than girls....  even before affirmative action....  affirmative actions seems like a very uncompassionate policy to me....

you know what affirmative action seems to me....  it seems like affirmative anger....  it seems like a law made out of anger....  woman did not get to vote a hundred years ago....  so now men have to pay....  eye am going to point out two things....  first....  in my opinion....  punishing everyone in a group....  because of what people did a hundred years ago....  punishing everyone in a group....  for the actions of a small percentage of a group....  is what hitler did....  in my mind....  it is the same thing....  punishing the citizens....  for what the leaders do....  is also wrong....  second....  do you really think that men have had the great life....  did you know....  more men commit suicide....  by far....  did you know eighty percent of the people in jail are men....  did you know....  men used to be FORCED to fight wars....  now....  if that does not destroy a persons life....  what does....  men might have been the ones that got to have all the great jobs....  but there was a time when mostly men worked....  and eighty percent of the jobs out there are shit....  would you....  rather stay at home with the children....  or....  work in the slauterhouse....  would you rather say home with the children.... or....  clean the sewers....  eye am just trying to point out....  that....  some men might have better....  but eye think....  the majority had it worse....  just one mans humble opinion....

and eye can tell that eye am pissing off the elder of a not so gentle race right now....  because my stomach is starting to burn....  she does not want to hear it....  she does not want to hear the other side....  she just wants to shut me down....  ouch.....