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what does the WORLD think....

what does the world think about america first.... 

yes....  trump has fifty-four percent approval in the united states....  first of all....  since when did fifty-four percent become good....

and....  eye will bet you....  the REST of the world hates trump....  and....  his america first agenda....

so....  here is the deal....  eye will put EVERYONE first....  eye will put ALL countries first....  my plan....  benefits everyone....  my plan....  benefits ALL countries....

and....  IF....  lucifer and basketball jones and poseidon and the moon will go with me....  we WILL live in whatever country treats us best....  we WILL live in whatever country listens to us the most....  

eye am NOT the buffalo soldier....  yes....  eye was STOLEN from africa....  but....  eye am NOT going to win the war for america....  

america has MAJOR problems....  america IS bipolar....  america filp flops....  we love the world....  we hate the world....  we love the world....  we hate the world....

america has the WORST food in the world....  we have destroyed our citizens health....  and....  we are NOT content with only harming americans....  our food policies ARE spreading throughout the world....  our food industry IS destroying the world....

our health care system IS driven by the pharmaceutical companies....  there is absolutely NO cooperation with mother nature....  mother nature has been healing humans....  for either....  hundreds of thousands of years....  OR....  millions of years....  depending on when you believe we got here....  she has SO much experience....  creating plants that benefit humans....  and....  america does NOT work with mother nature....  we do NOT research the benefits of natural supplements on humans....

trump is NOT listening to me....  although....  eye THINK he STOLE my idea of dismantling the government....  breaking it down....  and....  rebuilding it....  trump....  still....  is showing me NO respect....  trump....  still....  is NOT listening to me....  who will listen to me....  what government....  will let ME guide their policy....  what government....  wants us the most....  what government....  wants the worlds king and queen to live in their country....  what government....  wants the universe to be run in their country....