the TITLE NINE fuckup....
you fucked the world up with title nine.... you PUNISHED men.... especially BLACK men.... title nine IS a law.... created by ANGRY women.... angry dykes....
you NEVER take away something good from one group.... simply because another group is not getting enough.... you NEVER say you have to have the same amount of sports opportunities for women as men.... and.... you NEVER say.... we will TAKE away opportunities for men.... IF.... there are not enough opportunities for women....
you women CREATED this problem.... you ANGRY fucking DYKES created a HUGE problem.... you are SUPPOSED to give MORE opportunities for women.... WITHOUT.... taking away opportunities from men.... you CREATED a problem where MORE men are NOT burning off their testosterone.... so.... they are burning off their testosterone.... in other ways.... in INNAPPROPRIATE ways.... especially BLACK men.... who have MORE testosterone than white men.... you bitches.... with your anger.... created the crime problem.... more men.... especially black men.... committing crimes.... because.... they CANNOT burn off their testosterone.... in APPROPRIATE ways.... YOU.... fucking angry dykes.... took this away from them....
PLUS.... and.... this IS a big one.... eye will bet you a million dollars.... MORE men WANT to play football then women.... eye will even wager.... MORE men want to play basketball and baseball and soccer then women.... men.... are.... COMPETITIVE.... by nature.... men.... have more testosterone.... by nature.... women.... are.... COOPERATIVE.... by nature.... therefore.... more men WANT to play competititve sports....
so.... if you really WANT to be FAIR.... you would ASK the girls in a school.... how many of you want to play basketball.... and.... you would ASK the men in a school.... how many of you want to play basketball.... and.... IF.... a team has twenty players.... AND.... twenty girls said they wanted to play basketball.... and.... one hundred boys said they wanted to play basketball.... in an ideal world.... you would create ONE female team and FIVE male teams.... so.... everyone who wants to play.... gets to play....
and.... what if you cannot afford to make that many teams.... lets look at a different scenario.... lets say.... forty girls want to play basketball.... and.... eighty boys want to play basketball.... THEN.... since you cannot afford to make enough teams for everyone to play basketball.... in an ideal world.... you would create ONE girls basketball team.... and.... you would create TWO boys basketball teams.... that way.... fifty percent of the boys do NOT get to do what they WANT to do.... and.... fifty percent of the girls do NOT get to do what they WANT to do.... FAIR.... right.... the SAME percentage of boys and girls get what they WANT....
however.... one could argue.... you should create ONE girls team... and.... you should create THREE boys basketball teams.... that way.... twenty girls do NOT get to do what they WANT.... AND.... twenty boys do NOT get to do what they WANT.... some people would argue.... this is more fair....
but.... eye think.... what everyone would agree.... is that creating ONE female team for EVERY male team.... is NOT fair.... IF.... MORE boys want to play basketball then girls.... what if NO girls wanted to play basketball.... you would have no female teams.... right.... no need.... so.... since you have NO female teams.... based on your fucked up policy.... you should have no male teams....
you see.... eye would wager with you.... that.... even before title nine.... MORE.... boys.... did not get to do what they wanted.... then girls.... for instance.... before affirmative action.... lets say.... a school had one boys basketball team.... and.... no girls basketball team.... and.... lets say.... twenty girls wanted to play basketball.... and.... one hundred boys wanted to play basketball.... well... yes.... twenty girls did not get what they wanted to do.... HOWEVER.... EIGHTY boys did NOT get to do what they wanted to do.... DO YOU SEE MY POINT.... am eye starting to make some sense.... to ANY of you....
title nine was a law created by a special interest groups.... title nine was a law created out of anger.... title nine was a law created by a bunch of extremely angry dykes.... and.... it has to go....
also.... have you even given ANY thought to the women who do not want to play sports.... you only seem to care about what women want.... so.... eye am going to tell you.... spending SO much time.... focusing.... on letting women do everything a man does.... TAKES away opportunites from other women.... for example.... if you spend money to give twenty women a male experience.... are.... you taking away resources from things that other women might like to do.... like.... art class.... or.... ballet.... or.... acting..... HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT THAT.... you ONLY seem to be concerned with.... providing the women who want to do what MEN do.... with MORE than enough opportunity.... but.... what about.... all the women.... who want to do something women typically want to do.... who want to do something that fewer men want to do.... like.... probably.... ballet.... eye never wanted to do ballet.... but.... eye did WANT to play basketball.... AND.... eye did not make the team.... eye was too clumsy.... and.... eye never wanted to do art.... stick figures is probably the best eye will be able to draw.... eye SUCK at art.... eye really suck.... but.... eye wanted to play volleyball.... and.... there was.... NO MENS TEAM.... at my school.... ya.... eye did NOT get to do what eye wanted to do.... do you care.... do any of you bitches care.... NO.... because.... eye am a white man.... you seem to thing eye have some sort of privelege.... because.... eye am white.... and.... eye am a man.... jesus.... where was my privelege in that.... eye certainly had RICH mans son priveleges.... but.... eye did NOT have white man privelege.... girls got to play volleyball at my school.... boys did not.... only the best basketball boys got to play basketball at my school.... eye did not.... do you care.... NO.... because eye am a white man.... and.... for that matter.... eye washed dishes at a restaurant.... eye mowed lawns.... eye did hard labor.... eye did landscaping.... fuck your stupid ass bullshit lie.... that white men do NOT want to do hard work.... that we need all these illegals.... to do the jobs that us lazy ass white men refuse to do.... sorry.... totally different topic.... but.... it is somewhat connected.... just another one of your BULLSHIT attacks on white men....
jesus people.... all you seem to be interested in protecting.... is your right to do what men do.... rather than.... what you might really want to do.... how many schools have dropped art class.... and.... created a womans basketball team.... you did not make the connection.... did you.... you are taking away from women.... when you give to other women.... we all seem to be making sacrifices for the few.... for the women who want to be men.... WHY....
why does EVERYTHING seem to be ALL about what women want.... poor women.... they have ALL had it sooooooo rough.... god damn.... eye am SOOOOOOOOOO happy.... that eye was not born.... in the time.... when MEN were FORCED to fight in wars.... soooooooooo happy.... that eye did not have to see my friends slaughtered.... so happy.... that eye did not die a HORRIFIC death.... jesus.... eye am soooooooooo glad that was not me.... do ANY of you WOMEN feel this way.... are ANY of you women glad that you were not FORCED to fight in a war.... MEN.... not women.... were FORCED to fight in wars....
hmmmm..... talking about reparations.... maybe we should give everyone who fought in a war several hundred thousand dollars.... and.... take tens of thousands away from everyone else.... hmmmm.... maybe we should give every jew hundreds of thousands of dollars.... and.... take tens of thousands away from every german.... hmmmm.... maybe we should take tens of thousands away from every non-asian american.... and.... give every asian hundreds of thousands of dollars.... because.... many asians worked in our mines.... and.... many asian americans died.... in the building of america.... god damn.... totally different topic.... but.... where do reparations stop.... speaking of looking out for women.... what about blacks.... we are coddling them.... we are giving them everything.... WHY.... blacks and women.... that seems to be what it is all about.... fuck the rest of us.... fuck whites.... especially white men.... fuck asians.... fuck arabs.... fuck everyone.... exept.... blacks.... and.... women....
ya.... SOME.... white men.... have white privelege.... ya.... SOME.... men.... rape women.... SOME.... men.... are abusive to women.... BUT.... MANY.... women.... withhold sex.... MANY.... women.... use sex.... to CONTROL men.... MANY.... blacks.... hurt people.... MANY.... blacks.... are violent.... you seem to hold ALL white men.... accountable.... for the actions of a few.... AND.... at the same time.... you COMPLETELY ignore.... the crimes of women.... the crimes of blacks.... what is your angle.... what is your motivation.... what is driving this hysteria.... what is your end game....