we need to prevent californication.... we need to prevent the rest of the united states from becoming californized....
california is a broken state....
they have indoctrinated the citizens.... over forty-six percent are democrats.... in contrast.... less than twenty-five percent of the population is republican.... the democrats outnumber the republicans.... nearly two to one.... there is no longer balance in the state politics.... there is no opposing force to keep the radical democrats at bay....
they have lost control over the state.... the hispanics outnumber the whites.... forty percent to thirty five percent.... which creates a quandry.... a reason to fight.... there is no clear race in charge of california anymore....
california is on the decline.... their debt ratio is one hundred and six percent.... they owe MORE money than they take in each year.... they have one of the highest percentages of homelessness and the highest percentage of unsheltered citizens.... they are talking about.... TAKING.... tens of thousands of dollars.... from every non-black citizen in california.... and.... giving hundreds of thousands to every black in california.... they want to create a new wealthy class.... a new wealthy race.... blacks....
it is understood.... that hollywood.... is selling californication.... is selling control.... by our government....
gavin newsom is destroying their state.... and.... he is coming for you.... he is coming for the entire country.... he is already starting to make his run for the presidency.... it is my STRONG belief.... that gavin newsom.... works for zeus.... he is one of zeuses cronies.... he is trying to do two things.... destroy this country.... AND.... give the blacks control of the country.... AND.... the world.... watch out.... because.... they are coming.... all black everything.... is coming to your world....
you can see it.... sports are the only industry where we do NOT demand equality.... so.... blacks dominate.... they are over seventy percent of football and basketball players.... one of the highest paid professions in the country.... they are thirty percent of the people you see on television.... and.... GROWING.... eye saw a commercial the other day that was ALL blacks.... another HIGH paid profession.... and.... gavin.... is talking about.... giving taking tens of thousand from all non-blacks in california.... and.... giving hundreds of thousands to every black in california.... it is already happening.... the conversion.... from white to black.... is already happening....
we need to break california from the union.... before it is too late.... break them from the union.... and.... WATCH.... watch them IMPLODE.... watch want happens to california.... so.... you can see.... that you do NOT want it to happen to the rest of the united states.... break them from the union.... before it is too late....
we do NOT need them.... we CAN create our own hollywood.... in another state.... in multiple states.... one.... that does NOT sell californication.... one that does not give over thirty percent of the jobs to blacks.... one that does not FORCE us to watch queers.... doing their queer jig.... in movies.... in commercials.... one that does NOT try to FORCE us to like what they like.... one that does NOT try to FORCE interracial relationships down our throats.... one that does NOT try to FORCE us to say they or he him or she her.... one that does NOT have so many non-bianary accornims it is fucking hard to keep up....
the FAAAAAAR left has take over hollywood.... AND.... much of california.... it is time to cut off the limb.... before.... it destroys the body....
you do NOT want blacks to run this world.... they have more testosterone than other races.... they are MORE violent than other races.... you do NOT want them in charge.... if they will do these kinds of monstrous things to their own race.... what will they do to other races.... when they are in charge.... they consider other races insects.... to be squashed.... to be destroyed....