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both SIDES now....

would it....  or....  would it not....  be cool....  if there was a news outlet....  that looked at both sides of an issue....  

eye cannot take total credit for this idea....  eye have thought about it....  often....  and....  apparently....  so have others....  eye must put a shout out to screaming johnny....  for bringing it back to the forefront of my mind....

so....  here is how eye envision it....  take an issue....  say....  poverty....  how to end poverty....  and....  someone gives the liberal perspective....  some else gives the conservative perspective....

eye think....

that the liberals would say....  have the government do it....  have the ginourmous welfare state do it....  

that the conservatives would say....  have the church do it....  

and....  let us pretend....  for a moment....  eye am the middleman....  eye say....  REPLACE....  the welfare state....  with a government funded basic income....  ending poverty on day one....

eye would also say....  to BOTH the liberals AND conservatives....  how has THAT been working for you so far....

the poverty rate in america is STILL over eleven percent....  the welfare state has NOT ended poverty....  the church has NOT ended poverty....

the welfare state spends nearly a billion dollars a year on ATTEMPTING to end poverty....  and....  eye cannot find the number....  but....  eye think that the church spends nearly five hundred billion a year on ATTEMPTING to end poverty....  and....  still....  eleven percent of americans are living in poverty....

the poverty level in america is fifteen thousand dollars for an individual....  and....  based on my calculations....  it would cost significantly less than five hundred billion dollars to lift everyone out of poverty now....  so....  why are so many people still living in poverty....