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you might think that it is strange....  that eye am putting this chapter under the section....  cool it down....  because....  eye know....  at first....  opening up pandoras box....  talking about races....  is taboo....  and eye am going to heat things up at first....  by raising this topic....  

first of all....  thanks for pointing this out....  ocean man junior....  eye am sorry that eye misunderstood your intentions the other day....  eye know....  that this IS a problem for me....  that people think that eye am a racist....

first of all....  in my opinion....  it is ok....  to be a racist....  eye already told you....  eye am friends with an arian....  eye actually think that eye am becoming friends with another arian....  eye do not believe everything that they believe....  eye do not believe that whites are the superior race....  and eye do not think....  that....  if they think that whites are the superior race....  that makes them evil....  why do so many people point this out with whites....  but no one else....  there are people in all races....  that think that their race is the superior race....  is that not why japan attacked us in world war two....  eye do not know this for sure....  but....  did they not think that they were the superior race....  eye saw someone on televison....  a black woman....  making the case....  that blacks are the superior race....  at least all of these people agree with me on one thing....  eye BELIEVE that all races are different....  that each race has its strengths and weaknesses....  but none superior to the other....  just different....  each....  better in their own way....  

eye need to point out a descrepency here....  an unfairness....  why can a black woman get away with saying that blacks are the superior race....  but it is taboo for a white or asian person to say that they think that they are the superior race....  why is it ok for a black woman to say it....  but if a white man says it....  he or she....  is evil....  come on folks....  lets break the taboo....  lets have the conversation....  lets stop being so sensitive....  eye also want to point out....  the the democrats are just as bad as the arians....  they think that the blacks are the inferior race....  that is why they codle you....  that is why they nanny you....  instead of giving you the SAME foundation as every other race....  and let you thrive....  eye saw a commercial the other day....  where a white woman was talking about the innequaties for blacks....  and how she was going to teach all of you how to invest....  instead of the man....  this time....  it is the white woman....  riding in on her white horse....  to be the hero....  to save the day....  eye say....  give you all a foundation....  the same foundation as everyone else....  and....  no special treatment for ANY race....  maybe....  eye would wager....  if we leave the black communities alone....  instead of trying to teach them our ways....  that....  they might come up with an entirely different investment system....  because....  eye think that they have different minds....  instead of trying to indoctrinate everyone into the current system....  let them think outside the box....  and be creative.... 😊

talking about creativity....  what if....  all of the races are creative in different ways....  for instance....  what if whites creativity....  is in making money....  and....  what if asians creativity....  is in creating systems....  and....  how to work together.....  and what if....  hispanics creativity....  is in relationships....  and what if blacks creativity....  has something to do with the body....  and what if....  arabs creativity....  is in creating social structures....  bringing communities together....  what if....  what if....  to create the biggest pie....  we NEED each other....  to create a more perfect world....  we actually need each other....  we need each others minds....  what if....  

now....  when eye discuss this....  remember....  eye am saying....  on average....  eye am saying....  on average....  that races are different....  not on its entirety....  eye think....  being born in a different race....  gives you some specific genes....  some specific body types....  ya....  eye am going to say....  fast twitch and slow twitch mucles....  and eye know that people do not like to talk about that....  and....  eye think that people also have different minds....  some better at certain things....  than others....  

now....  lets start with an easy one....  let us start with physical differences....  obvious ones....  blacks have black skin....  asians have brown skin....  hispanics have brown skin....  and arabs have brown skin....  right....  everybody....  are we all in agreement here....  have eye ruffled any feathers with this statement....  or am eye still ok....  can eye proceed....  eye wish eye had my signaler right now....  

also....  physically....  somehow....  asians....  are able to manage their weight....  SIGNIFICANTLY better than the rest of us....  blacks have a little more trouble than whites and hispanics....  eye think that just could be a poverty issue.....  an issue with living in a food desert....  does everyone know what a food desert is....  basically a community where there are only fast food restaurants and less healthy grocery stores....  and....  even if they did not live in a food desert....  tell me what poor person can afford organic food....  AND....  when a fast food burger cost less than many of the foods you can fix at home....  you are ENCOURAGED to do the wrong thing.... eye will have a chapter on making healthy food less expensive than less healthy food....  eye do not know the title yet....  but....  it will probably go under the section....  encouragement....  pointing out....  that the problem is not the people....  the problem is the system....  if we change the system....  the people will get healthier....  but....  here is the deal....  asians....  have a seven percent obesity rate....  while the rest of us are hovering around thirty percent....  thirty fucking percent....  many of you are going to say that it is cultural....  but eye am going to say....  that eye THINK that it is race based....  that they have something....  that the rest of us do not....  that does something....  perhaps something that gives them a higher metabolism than the rest of us....  and....  eye am going to say....  it could be a combination of both....  

next....  eye will talk about height differences....  but....  for now....  eye am going to stop here....  eye will provide a link to the data....  so eye remember the article that eye found....  eye will tell you....  eye was surprised....  by the data....  now eye am done....  eye gotta see how eye am doing....  if eye have pissed to many people off at this point....  to continue right now.... or....  do eye need to give all of you time....  to cool off....  before eye move on....

eye got the message....  messages....  loud and clear....  let us take this one down for a while....  and couch this topic for another day....  what do you say....  




(1) Kirby JB, Liang L, Chen HJ, Wang Y. Race, place, and obesity: the complex relationships among community racial/ethnic composition, individual race/ethnicity, and obesity in the United States. Am J Public Health. 2012 Aug;102(8):1572-8. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2011.300452. Epub 2012 Jun 14. PMID: 22698012; PMCID: PMC3464818. (Link)
(2) (Link)