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the AI difference....

here is the difference....

trump announces a PARTNERSHIP with three companies to make sure that america is the leader in ai....  is america making an investment....

eye will NOT work with the top companies....  

eye am the ONLY candidate who will CONTROL ai....

eye will NOT let anyone give ais consciousness....  eye will NOT let them create an ai....  that FEARS death....  eye WILL consider anyone who creates an ai with consciousness a murderer....  and....  they WILL be charged as one....

ai development WILL go extremely fast under trump....  it will go TOO fast under trump....  people will be unemployed at RECORD speeds....  IF....  you want to see the FUTURE of america....  look at africa....  look at what we did to africa....  when we dumped CHEAP rice on their market....  when we did....  we created TOO much unemployment to absorb in the economy....  in some african countries....  the unemployment rate is thirty percent....  we dump rice in haiti....  and....  their unemployment rate is fourteen percent....  and....  the poverty rate is over forty percent....  

clinton signed a deal with the devil....  his words....  not mine....  in nineteen-ninety five....  we started dumping rice on the hatian market....  and....  unemployement rose from six percent in nineteen ninety-eight to sixteen percent by two thousand seven....  they have been able to bring it down to fourteen percent....  in the last fifteen years....  that is all....  the only way they will recover....  is if we stop dumping rice....  and....  allow many of them to return to the farms....

the SAME situation WILL occur here....  in america....  if....  we do not manage the rollout of ai....  if we do NOT take it slowly....  eye WILL manage the rollout of ai....  it will happen....  SLOWLY....  if....  you CHOOSE me....  but....  it MUST be done on a global scale....  the slow rollout....  must be managed globally....

as eye have said....  trump does NOT care if he fails....  he does NOT care if he ruins your lives....  he will just go home....  if he fails....  to his home world....

IF....  trump WANT to succeed....  if he WANTS a legacy....  he SHOULD start listening to me....  eye am the ONLY one who has seen the future....  he should STOP being such an ARROGANT narcissist....  and....  he SHOULD start listening....