time for a NEW mother....
mother nature.... IS.... acting like a bad mother.... she is using the stick.... rather than the carrot....
she is so fucking pissed at us.... for destroying her world.... that she has become psychotic.... creating earthquakes and tornadoes and floods and hurricanes and on and on and on and on....
KILLING people.... to get your point across.... killing your children.... shame on you mother nature.... shame on you.... shame on you.... shame on you....
we NEED a new mother.... desperately.... one who uses the carrot and the stick.... OR.... perhaps.... mainly.... the carrot....
she is like batman.... in a way.... she has all the wonderful toys at her disposal.... she can change landscapes.... she can make it rain more.... or.... less....
she can warm the planet.... or.... she can cool the planet.... she has all of these wonderful tools at her disposal....
we do NOT have these tools.... we are the ants.... she is the ant farm.... we can ALL work together to save the environment.... all of us.... working.... moving grands of sand around.... one piece at a time....
when.... she can save the environment.... with the flick of her wrist.... she can make it rain over australia.... bringing back the forests in the inner part of australia.... which is currently barren.... was that our fault.... or.... was that hers.... did she do that to us.... or.... did we do that to ourselves.... if eye was a betting man.... and.... eye am.... eye would wager.... that she did it to us.... BITCH....
she SHOULD be arrested for crimes against humanity.... how many millions and millions of people has she killed over the centuries.... how much pain has she caused....
and.... when you talk about global warming.... what is the carbon footprint caused by a natural disaster.... when thousands of homes are destroyed.... AND.... thousands of homes need to be rebuilt.... what is the carbon footprint of that.... what is the carbon footprint when thousands of homes burn down.... when mother nature creates high wind during a fire.... what is the carbon footprint of all that burning.... we could spend billions cleaning up all the underbrush in the forests.... OR.... she could reduce winds during a fire.... she could make it rain during a fire.... she could make it rain more consistently.... so the forest does not dry up.... becoming karoscene for a fire....
we NEED a new mother.... please.... fire this bitch.... arrest her.... for crimes against humanity....
is mother nature in the control of a bunch of pathological men right now.... maybe that is why things ARE fucked up.... there is a good REASON we call it MOTHER nature.... it SHOULD be run by women....