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contrary to popular opinion....  dispite what half of the world wants....  eye am NOT going to give everything to the moon....  that will not bring paradise....  contrary to popular opinion....  the opinion of the women of the world....  that will not bring paradise....  

you have to give me time....  it has not all come to me yet....  there are going to be a lot of people playing a lot of roles....

despite her recent betrayal....  eye still have plans for the young shadow queen....  and....  despite her calling me a chicken....  sticks and stones will break my bones....  but names will never hurt me....  despite her calling me a chicken....  eye still have plans for the former wife of a green barret....  eye think that all of you have betrayed me at some point or another....  

eye know that eye scared the women of the world....  with my....  eye am gonna fill the prisons with as many woman as men....  if the women do not straighten up....  that is part of me....  scaring you straight....  

look....  poseiden is not the only devil that eye need to break in this world....  you all have become devils....  every single one of you....  has a devil inside....

are you gonna give me time....  well are you....  do you wanna see the plan....  it has not come to me yet....  but it will....  

women of the world....  hopefully eye have put the fear of god in you....  hopefully....  eye have woken you up....  just a bit....  just a tiny tiny bit....  that is a start....  eye will take it....

there are insiders and outsiders in my plan....  michael.... eye choose you....  despite your silence....  shadow queen....  eye choose you....  despite your recent betrayal....  sun....  eye choose you....  despite your abuse....  for burning me up....  eye still choose you....  even though you are still connected to evil....  

eye am trying to figure it out....  your soldier tried to direct me somewhere....  and the arian at the grocery store tried to direct me to the same place....  and then an ambulance told me not to go....  is that someplace that you can trap me....  capture me....  and cut out zeuses world....  eye am assuming that it was the moon who warned me....  eye am assuming the moon sent the ambulance....  to warn me off....  so sun....  so arians....  what are you up to....

and yes....  there will be a black person involved in the government....  not obama....  eye am thinking it is someone who works at a golf course right now....  and there is another black person who will be involved....  he will help me fix the sports in this world....  and he knows who he is....  

you all are going to get used to the fact that some people are going to have to face some consequences....  zeus....  the bad mother....  the current shadow queen....  the fox....  eye have picked....  the most attrocious....  and eye am going to make examples of them....  same with some of the soldiers....  eye am going to call them out....  laugher girl....  cashew girl....  and....  discount girl....  they have all played the wicked wicked game....  and they ENJOY hurting people....  eye am going to make examples of them as well....  AND....  there are two brothers that eye am going to make examples of....  two brothers....  who are simply hired guns....  

ever watched....  this is the end....  that is what zeus does....  before he destroys a world....  he does not just destroy worlds....  he tortures everyone first....  and then he destroys the world....  the biggest monster that you can imagine....  let me tell you about some of their autrocities....  let me tell the world....  and then you try to continue standing up for them....  after eye tell the world what they have done....  you try to argue that they do not deserve a consequence....  the shadow queen....  she gives her son cancer....  and then forces him to win worlds for her....  in order to be healed....  her autrocities are unforgivable....  and then there is the bad mother....  the mother who turns people into animals....  if they will not do as she asks....  she was involved in a plan to assisinate michael....  she has abused her power....  in so many ways....  she IS going to be demoted....  AND....  she is going to spend some time as an insect....  she is going to feel the pain that she has caused others....  eye will make an example of her....  so that no mother ever considers doing what she has done....  and then there is the devil....  he is a monster....  and he has created a monster....  that destroys worlds....  and then there is love....  fake love....  she is the second biggest monster of them all....  you know what she did you zula....  she did this....  she was willing to do this....  for her glory....  

you see how eye do that....  you see how the father comes out....  the father IS cruel....  he has no mercy....  and one of zeuses soldiers threatened me today at the house of chocolates....  and eye am pissed....  he needs to go....  if you want to know who he is....  he is the one who eye am going to cancel an appointment with....  eye called blacks dumbasses.....  to get under someones skin....  to get someone to reveal themselves....  and he has....  he is one of zeuses soldiers....  and he has to go....  if you want to protect your world....  you might want to start listening to me....  this is not a joke....  you are all at risk....  if you do not get rid of the people that eye point out....  you will lose....  and zeus will come....  and....  as eye told you....  eye will NOT come back....  eye will NOT do this again....

the last time that eye was here....  not as lucifer....  as love....  the last time that eye was here....  michael was like this....  now look at the monster that he has become....  he fucking clipped his daughters wings for god sakes....  eye brought this game here....  so that you could see....  what it would make you....  what kind of monsters you would become....  all of you....  to SHOW all of you....  that you do NOT want this....  you do not want all of this....  and....  now....  eye need to start the process of healing....  eye need to bring back....  the people you once were....  ya....  michael was a bumb....  but he was affective....  and....  he was lovable....  not that asshole that he is today....  please....  let me bring you all back....  let me take you....  from hell....  back to paradise....

eye am the ONLY one who has risked my life here....  perhaps you should start listening....  

eye know that eye called this chapter compromise....  and it has nothing to do with compromise....  sorry....  eye will move this to another chapter at some point....  and....  one day....  teach all of you to compromise....  show you how to play....  compromise solution....  we will get there....  if you give me time....  we will get there....  eye promise....  tell me....  what have you got to lose....  letting me run around this world....  what have we got to lose....  if you do not want the humans to see this book....  you can stop it....  you have the power to stop it....  you are holding the reigns....  eye am not telling anyone the title of this book....  the only way that the humans can find it....  is if you are ready to let them see it....  if you are ready....  to come out of the shadows....

the only thing that eye want.... the only reason that eye published this book....  is so....  ALL of the immortals can see what eye am saying....  instead of what the leaders are filtering....  what the leaders are choosing to share....  eye want the leaders to stop hiding the truth....  and....  eye want everyone to see the soup in the making....  to watch the process....  of saving the world....  everyone has a ticket....  this show....  is now for everyone....  all immortals to see....  

after all....  this is all my fault....  the fault is mine....  eye just could not think of any other way to show all of you....  what evil is lurking out there....  to show you....  what you do NOT want here....  and why....

first order of business....  find out WHY thor has been fighting with the snake....  why thor and lucifer have been fighting....  all of these years....  and then....  to try to reach a compromise this time....  to show you how it is done....  how to compromise....  how two mortal enemies....  can learn to compromise....  

one thing that you need to know....  is....  you cannot compromise with pure evil....  the people who eye have chosen....  to make examples out of....  are PURE evil....  eye cannot fix them....  with out this....  without banishment....  eye cannot fix them....  they are too far gone....  

listen everyone....  my songs....  know what everyone did in the dark....  my songs know what all of you did....  before eye came to town....

poseidens demotion was a COMPROMISE with the gentle race....  

look....  everything inside....  everything is my fault....  and eye accept the blame....  however....  zeus is not my fault....  the fox is not my fault....  they became monsters all on thier own....  like eye said....  eye brought this game here....  so that eye could show you....  that you do not want this life....  AND....  eye created the shadows....  so that one day....  eye could stop zeus....  before he enslaves all of the worlds....

this is probably a story for another time....  but eye created all of these tools....  the crystal ball....  time travel....  clocks....  so that you could get a glimpse of my powers....  so that you could understand my powers....  and KNOW....  why you should not have them....  so that you could accept....  not having my powers....