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primary language....

are you fucking kidding me....  the city of boulder....  in its infinite wisdom....  has decided to FORCE apartment complexes to communicate to its tenants in their primary language....  

eye supose this is an inclusivity thing....  that they democrats are SPINNING this as an inclusivity thing....  as an act of kindness....

it is FAR from an act of kindness....

once again....  the democrats are allowing the lazy....  the selfish....  the all about me generation....  to rule the world....  

these fucking people who come to america....  should fucking learn our language....  eye would learn your language if eye invaded your country....  you are being lazy.... 

even worse....  you are forcing us to pay for the fact that you REFUSE to learn our language....  you refuse to show any respect and learn our language....  so now....  an apartment complex must pay to have all of their communication translated into as many languages as there are people living in their complex who refuse to learn english....  this is going to cost all of us....  this is why....  we are becoming more productive as a society....  and yet....  our standard of living is dropping....  wasteful spending....  when you coddle to the people who will not do their duty....  you waste money....  you waste time....  you LOWER everyones standard of living....

AND....  even worse....  you are actually creating EXCLUSIVITY....  when your neighbor does not speak the same language.....  you become more and more isolated....  is this part of your plan democrats....  because....  you want us all to be isolated more....  to be more depressed....  so we cannot work together....  to stand up to our controlling government....  is this part of your nefarious plan....  just like the tower of babble....  a way to keep us from standing up to our oppressive rulers....  but....  this is even worse....  at least....  when countries speak different languages....  you can still have a community within a government....  but....  when neighbors speak different languages....  it creates issolation....  you fucking democrats are diceivious bastards....

in summary....  your new fucking policy is....  coddling to the lazy and selfish....  lowering our standard of living....  and....  isolating all of us even further....

and....  have your really thought about it....  this is a total fucking contradiction....  have your forgotten your other stated policy....  integration....  you are TRYING to get blacks and whites and browns to all integrate....  how the fuck are we going to do that if we do NOT speak the same language....  it would appear....  in this case....  that the left foot is not talking to the left hand....  your policies should be cohesive....  they should work together....  not contradict each other....  you dumb shits....