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eliminate the DEPARTMENT of education....

eye WILL eliminate the department of education....  jimmy carter created the department of education in nineteen seventy-nine....  the budget has grown dramatically....  in nineteen eighty....  it spent three billion dollars....   today....  it spends over two hundred and seventy billion dollars....  in total....  federal and state and local governements provide eight hundred and eighty billion dollars for k through twelve education....  that is over seventeen thousand per school....

and....  what do we get for all of this spending....  we get to be ranked sixteenth out of eighty one countries in science....  and....  it ranked thirty-fourth in math....  our education system sucks....

eye will replace this system....  with a voucher system....  eye will give everyone an education voucher worth seventeen thousand dollars.... 

this SHOULD be plenty....  the current system spends seventeen thousand per student....  and....  much of that goes to the bureaucracy....  the UNNECESSARY bureaucracy....  when eye worked at a waldorf school....  eye believe that the tuition was fourteen thousand....  so....  seventeen thousand SHOULD be plenty....  

and....  eye WILL empower teachers....  eye WILL give them MORE control over their classrooms....  students will CHOOSE you....  so....  you WILL have the POWER of kicking a student out of your classroom....  if they do NOT follow the rules....

and....  eye WILL empower students....  giving them....  much more control over their education....  they will get to CHOOSE their schools....  they will get to CHOOSE their teachers....  they will get to CHOOSE their subjects....

and....  eye WILL allow the vouchers to be used....  for trade schools....  for business development....  IF....  you only spend ten thousand a year for your education....  you will KEEP the seven thoudand dollar savings....  and....  at some point....  you will be able to use the savings....  to invest....  in a house....  in your own business....  in your retirement....  there will be limitations....  but....  the field will be broad....  the options will be significant....  you will NOT be FORCED to spend you FUTURE fund on public education....  education is NOT the ONLY investment one can make in their future....

there will no longer be....  an indoctrination....  of our children....  by the LIBERAL education system....  OR....  by their parents....  eye will choose....  FREEWILL....

parents WILL be able to spend more....  on their childrens education....  on their childrens healthcare....  you will FINALLY be able to show your love....  by....  giving your children a better future....  rather than....  buying them toys....  buying them cars....  buying them fancy things....  to show your love....  you will finally be able to show your love....  by giving them something good....  by giving them a future....

eye will dismantle the department of education....  AND....  create....  the department of investment....  investment in our children....  investment in our future....  AND....  our children will have MANY MANY more options....  AND....  our children will have freewill....  they will NOT be forced....  to get an education...  of our choosing....  they will get an education....  of their children....  did you know that our children are better....  did you know that evolution is STILL occuring....  IF....  you are human two point oh....  they might be human two point one....  or....  two point two....  they MIGHT have an elastic heart....  and....  you MIGHT not....  they MIGHT be a little less greeeeeedy....  

at an early age....  parent will learn....  to give a child....  their differing views....  about how they should behave....  and....  the child....  will learn....  to choose....  BETWEEN....  what their mother wants for them....  and....  what their father wants for them....