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pharmaceutical DRUG research....

parmaceutical drug research....  will be done by non-profits....  

they say that the amount spent each year in the united states on drug research is around one hundred billion dollars....

and....  the total charitable contributions in the united states in any given year....   is over five hundred billion dollars....

so....  charitable contributions could easily fund the same....  if not MORE pharmeceutical research....  then the current system....

especially....  once there is a basic income....  eliminating the need to feed the poor....  eliminating the need to house the poor....  through charitable donations.....  all the money spent on feeding and housing the poor....  can be redirected....  toward other purposes....  such as pharmeceutical drug development....

and....  once eye implement....  compassionate conservatism....  significantly increasing the amount of charitable donations....

once a drug is developed....  the non-profit will NOT be allowed to sell the drug....  they will have to license their product to manufacturing companies....  and....  you could set a standard rate....  for licensing....  say....  two percent of revenue....  so....  basically....  all drugs....  will be sold for the cost of manufacturing....

for example....  the epipen costs around eight dollars to manufacture....  and....  the company charges close to seven hundred dollars for an epipen....

in MY world....  the epipen would cost the consumer....  significantly less....  lets say....  around twenty dollars....  because....  the manufacturing companies....  have overhead....  still....  twenty dollars is FAR less than seven hundred dollars....  no one will go without this life saving device....  because of cost....

insulin is another great example....  a vial of insulin costs less than four dollars to produce....  and....  it costs the consumer....  over two hundred dollars to purchase....  in my world....  a vial of insulin will cost FAR less....  maybe....  twenty dollars....  no one will go without insulin....  because of cost....