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pedestrians vs automobiles....

why do pedestrians ALWAYS have to have the right of way....  it IS fucking dangerous....  to have pedestrians FEEL like they always have the right of way....

just tonight....  eye almost hit two pedestrians....  crossing in a crosswalk....  when it was pitch black out....  eye do not know what you call it....  at a blind corner....  bushes in the way....  then all of a sudden....  bam....  pedestrian walking out from behind a bush....  in all black....  in the dark of night....  what the fuck....

what about....  yield signs for pedestrians....  make sure a car SEES you....  before you step out into a busy intersection....  

or....  a four way stop....  a car must stop....  AND....  the pedestrian must stop....  

or....  a four way yield....  

there are simply so many ways to look at this....  how about some out of the box fucking thinking for once....

instead of ALWAYS giving the pedestrian the right of way....  

did you know that there is a blind spot....  in the front of the car....  on both the right and left....  eye do not know how many times eye have almost hit a pedestrian....  who....  just happened to be in my forward blind spot....  when eye looked in their direction....  and....  boy did they get fucking pissed at me for pulling forward as they stepped in front of me....  it WAS a fucking accident....  for gods sake....  eye did NOT see you....  you do not have to rip me a new one....  honest fucking mistake....  you FUCKING arrogant pedestrian....