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see....  eye told you eye am not a bad guy....  eye got right to it....  eye am not going to make you wait for me....  even though....  you constantly make me wait for you....  eye am not complaining....  eye will be patient....  eye will wait for you....  all of you....  

so....  here is the deal everyone....  please do not shoot the messanger....  eye am just doing my job here....  it is my job....  to bring balance to the world....  and....  one day....  it will be my job....  to keep balance....  to maintain balcnace....  in the world....  to keep order....  and this is how it works.... 

here is one example....  of the many many ways that eye have to bring....  and then keep....  balance in the world....  first of all....  eye have to keep balance in the prisons....  either....  and this is a big one....  either....  eye have to find a way....  to reduce the number of men in prison....  or....  eye have to find a way....  to increase the number of women in prison....  so that there is an equal amount of each....  IT IS THE WAY....  please please please do not shoot the messenger here....  spelling....  

so....  now that eye have made some enemies....  hopefully....  eye can win back some friends....  so....  it works with races toooooo....  eye....  either....  have to find a way....  to reduce the population of blacks and hispanics in the prisons....  OR....  eye have to find a way.... to increase the number of whites in prisons....  so that the percentage of each race in prison equals the percentage in the general population....  so....  in america....  the percentage of blacks in prison....  needs to hover around twelve percent....  because that is the percentage of blacks in the us population right now.....  so....  so....  an example....  of how to fix this....  an example of what might be done....  is....  there might need to be more enforcement against white collar crimes....  more people might have to go to jail....  for stealing from investment clients....  for instance....  or....  if more blacks are in prison for victimless crimes....  like drug abuse....  then maybe the drug laws need to be less severe.... there are other ways to go about this....  sometimes one needs to think outside the box....  rather than change the laws that bring the imbalance....  one could remove the discretion of judges....  so that all races pay the same price....  for the same crime....  or....  one could create a basic income....  so that there are NO poor in the world....  nobody has to make a decision between stealing or starvation....  or....  one could give our children more opportunities....  more choices.... to keep our youth out of gangs....  out of trouble....  like....  more sports....   

it is not my way....  it is THE way....  it is the way that EVERYONE came up with....  in my world....  do you see why eye have asked the moon to be my mother....  right now....  eye have a heart of stone....  eye do not give a shit who eye hurt....  but....  when eye get my real heart back....  eye am going to need a STONG mother....  a strong support system....  because....  when you are a leader....  in my world....  and you actually have a heart....  and....  you actually care....  life sucks....  you have to make decisions....  that affect people....  each and every day....  and it sucks to be a leader....  and....  care....  it is why....  eye will be happy to pass this role on....  it is why....  eye constantly try....  to find a way....  that hurts the least amount of people....  the way....  that makes the most people happy....  because....  when you are a leader in my world....  when the people hurt....  you hurt too....  there is no getting around it....  

nobody WANTS to be a leader in my world....  they are asked....  to serve....  to be of service....  to others....  and....  eye promise you....  it is NOT easy....  to lead in my world....   just like....  breaking your heart....  is not easy....  none of it.... is easy....