empowering teachers....
eye am going to do things in reverse here.... eye should be talking about student empowerment first.... but.... for some reason.... eye feel like telling the teachers that eye got your back.... also....
listen.... when you empower children.... and let them decide what they want to learn.... where they want to learn.... and who they want to learn from.... it opens up the door to empower teachers.... all of a sudden.... when you have an unruley student.... you can get rid of them.... if they want you.... if they chose you.... they will most likely behave.... if they will not.... then let them go somewhere else.... eye have not thought this entirely through.... because.... what if no one will let them in their class.... again.... eye have not thought this through completely.... but.... eye am of the mind to say.... a couple of things.... maybe that child does not belong in school.... eye did not think that a certain someone in my life belonged in school.... eye would have told him that.... not to go to school if he did not want to.... but the moon convinced me otherwise.... because.... she knew.... that evil people would some how find a way to use my suggestion against me....
there are other ways to learn you know.... eye have probably learned more from the internet.... since eye have been out of school.... than eye did in school.... because.... eye am interested in what eye am researching.... right now.... my interests are.... healing my body.... how to bring about a better world.... the story that eye have found in lyrics.... and how to make my book better.... which entails.... learning joomla....
and.... back to my main point.... what does a plumber need to know.... about history.... or to know a foreign language.... what good does it do forcing someone to learn something that they do not want to learn.... again.... just spit balling here.... eye have not thought this entirely through.... but eye do think that teachers should have more power....
and.... in one way.... eye think that many teachers work too hard.... in almost every other professional career.... the person gets to choose their hours.... when they work.... and when they do not.... for example.... when eye was in finance.... eye would work.... creating my little spreadsheets.... and then.... eye would take a break.... whenever eye wanted.... and go talk to a coworker.... or.... sometimes.... eye would look something up on the internet.... eye always got the job done.... eye always did the job that was expected of me.... and.... usually worked at least sixty hours per week.... so.... there were more hours in the day.... than were necessary for me to get the job done.... eye think that it would suck.... to have to teach elementary students.... for hours on end.... to be told when you have to be on.... and when you can be off.... so.... here is another one of my stupid questions.... what if they brought subject teachers to elementary school.... so that.... you had to teach for an hour.... and then you got a break.... when the students went to another teacher.... just spit balling.... things might have changed since eye was in elementary school.... and you might already get breaks.... you might already have subject teachers in elementary school.... eye do not know.... all eye am saying.... is.... people should be thinking.... how can we make a teachers job easier....
eye am for finding ways to make your job easier.... but eye got to tell you.... eye am not in the camp of increasing teacher pay.... eye seem to be the only one who factors in the fact.... that teachers only work about two thirds of the year.... that does not mean that eye cannot be convinced that teachers deserve more.... eye am always open to a conversation....
and.... eye really think that we need more conservatives in the education system.... eye agree with poseiden here.... the conservatives need more of a voice in this world.... eye am all about figuring out how to create balance everywhere.... including the education system.... this might be fixed.... when we go to the voucher system.... when people get vouchers to pay for education..... and.... they get school choice.... significant school choice.... the more schools of thought we have out there.... the more creativity that we will have.... and less indoctrination.... by parents or teachers....