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please EXPRESS yourself....

today....  eye say the drama queen in the five....  yell....  how dare you....  how dare you compare trump to hitler....  to jessica....

eye say....  express yourself....  jessica....  

first of all....  eye applaud you for being able to hang with ALL those pompous arrogant smucks on the five....  loving rubbing their win in your face....  the third lady excluded....  eye am pretty sure the third lady is NOT arrogant....  is NOT rubbing in the win....

second of all....  the next time the drama queen tries to SHAME you....  to shut you up....  just tell her....  HOW DARE YOU....  how dare you try to shame me....  to try to shut me up....  to keep me from expressing myself....

remember....  jessica....  your VOICE is a weapon....   use it....  CONTINUE....  to use it....  you ARE my favorite person on that show....  eye have a lot of ADMIRATION for you....

everybody....  express yourself....  but....  STOP....  creating a narrative....  STOP....  telling lies....  go ahead....  express yourself....  BUT....  tell the truth....  while doing it....

selena gomez....  drama queen....  STOP....  pretending....  that you care....  STOP....  lying....  STOP....  pearl clutching....  you over-reacting responses ARE driving me nuts....

cnn....  eye can barely watch your shows....  eye WANT to watch your channel....  to HEAR from people who do not trust this president....  to get the otherside....  but....  eye am having SIGNIFICANT problems....  dealing with your drama....  dealing with your lies....  dealing with your narrative....  you are STILL talking about january sixth....  enough already....  we KNOW trump made mistakes....  leave it be.... 

start questioning his actions....  with LEGITIMATE questions....  STOP....  lying....  STOP....  spinning....  eye CAN see through trumps spin....  AND....  eye CAN see through yours....  you ARE losing legitamacy....  eye hear your audience is shriveling....  take it from me....  stop....  lying....  stop....  spinning....  stop....  with all the drama....  AND....  your viewers WILL return....  people WANT to hear the otherside....

for example....  eye do NOT believe the trump administration....  when they say these drones are from hobbiests....  with authorization....   the whole drone thing seems very suspicious to me....  how many hobbiests have drones the SIZE of an automobile....

and....  we WANT the illegals deported....  so....  STOP....  dramatizing the situation....

speaking of dramatization....  fox....  will you drop all the dramatic commercials....  the one about helping animals....  depresses me....  drives me nuts....  eye am NOT going to donate....  so....  stop with the dramatic adds....  you are DEPRESSING the nation....  with these horific commercials....

nice job tonight....  laura coates....  excellent panel....  who is that lady from the wall street journal....  eye think she was from the wall street journal....  eye loved her polling....  back up your arguement with real data....  NICE....  

now....  eye need to walk the talk....  so....

everybody....  express yourself....  tell me what you do not like about me....

eye say what SEEM like racist things....  go ahead....  call me a racist....

eye SEEM evil....  go ahead....  call me hitler....  call me a monster....

eye am not all here....  go ahead....  call me a dumbshit....

eye am LABELLED bipolar....  go ahead....  call me crazy....

eye know many of you THINK eye am a faggot....  go ahead....  call me a faggot....

eye need to SHOW you....  what upright and strong really is....  what it means to be upright and strong....