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who IS ripping off america....

trump says it is our allies....  are best friends....  he is going after canada....  and....  the nato countries....  you have to pay us more....  you have to give us more....  he says....

he IS going after the WRONG people....  sure....  these countries have NOT been paying their fair share....  but....  there are ways to go about it....

and....  at the same time....  he is making friends with xi jinping....  a monster....  a horrible dictator....  when....

the asian countries have STOLEN from us....  many of them are thieves....  stealing our technology....  so much so....  that singapores per capita income is greater than ours....  and....  china is the MOST aggregious of the asian countries....  they steal so much technology....  a guy eye knew....  made a frisbee that lights up....  so....  you can play frisbee in the dark....  well....  one day.... he found a copycat frisbee....  from a company in china....  good luck going after them....  he said....  good luck doing anything about it....  they are STEALING so much....  they are even stealing a mere frisbee....  if they will steal a frisbee....  they will steal anything....  they need to pay....  they need to pay treble damages....  eye WILL make china pay treble damages....  and....  they will shut down their businesses....  that STOLE our technology....  when....  they have to pay the american company....  three dollars....  for every dollar they make....  this will bring SO many products back home....  this will bring so much revenue back home....

and....  if my acquantance....  wants to sell his frisbee....  in china....  he has to license his technology....  to a company in china....  and....  he will get royalties....  for every sale....  in china....  

this system....  IS....  simple....  this system....  IS....  effective....  this system....  IS....  fair....  this system....  WILL....  make america great again....  

it is a totally different topic....  but....  my system....  WILL....  make venezuela great again....  my system....  WILL....  make south america great again....  my system....  WILL....  make central america great again....  my system....  WILL....  make africa great again....  when eye bring local farming BACK to africa....  they WILL be great again....  

watch poverty inc....  eye implore you....  watch povety inc....  and....  you will SEE what WE have done to africa....  clinton....  who eye think was a pretty darn good president....  before the time when the chicago style politics hit washington....  before president obama came to washington....  there were great presidents....  on BOTH sides of the aisle....  anyways....  eye digress....  back to clinton....  clinton....  acknowleges in the movie....  that we made a deal with the devil....  we made a deal with the rice industry....  allowing them to dump CHEAP rice in africa....  bankrupting farmers all over the continent....  overnight....  forcing them into shanty towns in the cities....  the idea was benevellent....  we were supposed to bring them manufacturing jobs....  better jobs....  better PAYING jobs at least....  maybe not more satisfying jobs....  but....  the concept failed....  so many farmers went bankrupt so quickly....  that....  we could NOT provide anywhere close to enough manufacturing jobs....  thank you for being bold enough to acknowledge your mistake....  clinton....  that move alone....  makes you a bigger man than ninety nine percent of the folks in washington....  we SHOULD have licensed our farming technology....  to manufacturers in africa....  to farmers in africa....  eye am talking about the good technology....  farm equipment....  not the bad technology....  like gmo seeds....  like roundup resistant corn....  actually....  hindsight IS twenty twenty....  maybe....  they would have been better off....   if they did not take any technology from us....  maybe....  they would be healthier....  are farming industry PRODUCES the most unhealthy humans on the planet....  eye will NOT try to claim eye would have seen this one coming....  for a time....  high efficiency farming....  seemed like a briliant idea....  only....  after seeing....  all of the unintended consequences of making our farming decisions in a vaccuum....  has it become totally apparent....  to everyone....  that....  we have really FUCKED things up.... 

eye REALLY am all over the map....  right....  is this harder or easier to follow....  is it easier to follow....  when someone takes one topic.... and....  focuses on that....  or....  is this just like farming....  it is BETTER to consider ALL aspects to a situation....  eye think....  you might see....  that my writing style....  is showing you....  how to approach decisions....  farming....  is connecting to....  healthcare....  is connected to....  the health of the planet....  is connected to....  unemployment....  is connected to total welfare....  it is ALL interconnected....  and....  maybe....  eye am trying to teach you....  to make the connections....  the connections are made at the top level....  if you SIMPLIFY things....  it is much easier to connect them....  if you get stuck in the details....  it is impossible to see the connections....  across industries....  across countries....  across products....