dear FORMER lesbians....
this my future self talking right now.... so.... please do not shoot the me that is living in the now.... please do not shoot the messenger....
dear FORMER lesbians....
please please please.... consider therapy.... not with the goal of liking men in mind.... you will NEVER go with that goal in mind....
no.... to deal with your ANGER issues.... to deal with your CONTROL issues.... to deal with your DEEP seeded NEED to ALWAYS be right.... to deal with your cold cold hearts....
cold hard bitch.... let me help you soften.... let me help you open up.... let me START your fire.... that has been out.... for soooooooo sooooooo long.... and.... you might just be.... the one who saves me.... you might just be.... my wonderwall....
then.... eye promise you.... my future self promises you.... once you remove these filters.... you WILL see men through a different lens.... you WILL find men.... irresistable.... REALLY.... you will....
if you do NOT believe me.... that you are ALL angry controlling narcissistic and closed minded.... ask your friends.... ask someone who will be HONEST with you.... who will tell you the truth.... who will NOT gloss things over....
right now.... you are digging in.... you are ALL hiding out in your bunkers.... you are ALL digging deeper and deeper.... into your hallucinations.... into your dream worlds.... step out.... step out of your bubbles.... pleeeeeeeease....
so.... eye wager.... ten lesbians.... who are willing.... to admit they are angry.... to admit they are controlling.... to admit they MIGHT be closed minded.... AND.... who FUCKING hate me.... ten lesbians..... that fit this criteria.... who are WILLING to see the moon.... who the MOON is willing to see.... give them three years of therapy.... and.... they WILL love me.... three years.... but.... they must fit all of my criteria....
oh.... and.... owner of spanish coffee house.... will you please see the moon.... anyone who comes across as confident as you are.... anyone who SEEMS so confident.... that they make me FEEL uncomfortable.... cannot be.... truley confident.... please please please..... see the moon.... eye swear.... eye am NOT taking jabs at you.... eye am telling you.... you SEEM guarded to me.... you SEEM to have your walls up.... eye really THINK you MIGHT have something going on.... something MIGHT have happened to you in the past.... that makes you display your confidence.... in order to hide something else....
did you send me a lesbian that fucking hates me today.... did we take a ten minute walk together.... without.... an exchanging of word.... ask her.... does she still hate me.... ask her if she feels a little calmer about things now....
you guys KEEP testing me.... when.... you SHOULD be trying to figure me out.... you should be trying to UNDERSTAND what you have got here.... eye.... like william.... in a knights tale.... will take a LIFETIME to figure out....
eye NOW have my second candidate.... bring on eight more lesbians....