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eye hate blank....

eye do not know why lucifer hates blank so much....  so much to name a band after her....  but....  eye have nothing against blank....  eye find her to be a little too serious for my taste....  and eye think that she might have tried to increase my covid exposure once....  but....  she has not really done ME any harm....  and....  she is not like the others....  the others that EYE will not forgive....  eye cannot forgive....  unless....  they face up to their crimes....  and do the time....

lets take cashew girl for instance....  she knew that eye was love....  long long ago....  the smoke cleared....  for the future mother....  the smoke cleared....  and....  yes indeed....  eye saw it take her breath away....  and she told cashew girl who eye was....  long long ago....  and....  you know what monsters do....  when they see an innocent victim....  they are like sharks....  they smell blood in the water....  and they pounce....  as cashew girl did....  eye will NOT let that slide....

now....  cashew girls crimes against lucifer....  blanks crimes against lucifer....  whatever they were....  those crimes will be forgiven....  because....  eye am going to throw away lucifers heart....  if the angels have not already done it....  then....  eye will do it....  because....  he has NOTHING to remember....  all of you fucking monsters have put him through too much....  for him to remember anything....  if eye let him keep his memories....  he will ALWAYS want revenge....  always....  

eye am going to help him forget....  god turning him into a monster....  he was the light bearer....  he was gods favorite....  and then god turned him into a monster....  he made him look like a monster....  and....  so....  a monster he became....  a GOOD angel....  became bad....  a self-fulfilling prophecy....  if eye have ever seen one....  and....  all you little monsters....  had your fun....  using....  and....  abusing....  him....  yay....  good for you....  you little fucks....

and....  guess what....  all you little monsters get a pass....  for how you treated him....  because....  he is not going to remember....  and....  so....  there is nobody who is going to want revenge....  there is nobody who is going to have to forgive you....  for what you have done to them....

but....  loves angels....  eye did NOT erase their memories....  they still remember....  and they will NOT be so forgiving....  

and....  then again....  when eye tell the moon....  what all of you have put lucifer through....  well....  maybe she will not be quite so forgiving either....  you know how protective mothers can be....  eye mean....  tell me who this was....  was this lucifer....  if it was....  whoever his mother is....  she IS going to want revenge....  she is going to want some serious consequences....  

what....  did all of you think....  that eye was going to let skull terrorize his world....  for thousands of years....  and there would be NO consequence.....  

and....  the god of this world....  is certainly going to have a consequence....  for turning lucifer into a monster....  for starting all of this....  for nearly turning this world into a monster....  he is going to pay a price....  he is going to lose his world....  and....  he will NEVER have a world again....  that is the consequence that eye have chosen....  let us see if the moon wants something more....  

and....  everything that you have done to me....  in THIS lifetime....  there WILL be consequences....  especially for those....  who KNEW who eye was....  who KNOW who eye am....  and yet....  you still tried to hurt me....  

so far....  the moon has been protecting all of you monsters....  from the sun....  let us see....  if she still wants to protect all of you....  when she finds out....  what all of you have put lucifer through....  all of you....  who still think this is fun and games....  eye think that the sun will be coming soon....  and....  if eye know the sun....  she wants justice....  that is what she is all about....  justice....  

tell me....  everyone....  do you want to deal with me....  or....  do you want to deal with her....  AND....  now that eye have gotten the moon out....  who is going to protect all of you monsters now....  eye have a feeling....  hearing all of this....  the moon just might be changing her opinions....  about protecting EVERYONE....  some people....  some monsters....  do not deserve protection....